<aside> <img src="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/7e92f391-f8ec-49cf-883f-897754a95660/7339a3e8-6783-4c32-8567-0c3c48865e4b/Debanker.png" alt="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/7e92f391-f8ec-49cf-883f-897754a95660/7339a3e8-6783-4c32-8567-0c3c48865e4b/Debanker.png" width="40px" /> About Trader Joe


Trader Joe is a leading multi-chain decentralized exchange and the creator of the Liquidity Book protocol, the most capital-efficient liquidity protocol in DeFi. With Trader Joe, you can easily trade your favorite tokens, access one-click yield farming, and explore the latest digital collectibles at the Joepegs NFT Marketplace. Trader Joe is on a mission to simplify and democratize DeFi. By offering straightforward solutions and continuously developing innovative products, Trader Joe is dedicated to making the DeFi experience both accessible and seamless for the everyday Joe.

Key Messaging for Trader Joe

Brand Values of Trader Joe

Brand values dictate how a brand is positioned in marketing and community efforts. Showcasing the values of Trader Joe help to build trust and loyalty with users in the world of Web3 and beyond. This is an exceptionally important part of marketing to consistently communicate and portray, as the surrounding industry is laden with consumer risks. Trader Joe is a man of the people, reliable, trustworthy and an approach character.

Brand Value #1: Man of the People

Joe is a bit of a legend in the web3 community. He’s the unassuming stranger you’d enjoy sharing a beer with. Because while incredibly smart & knowledgeable, he has this magical ability of never making you feel dumb or inferior.

Not only is he friendly & easy to talk to, Joe always has your back. That’s why people like him; If anyone ever needs him, he always pulls through. The best part? With Joe, what you see is what you get. He’s the kind of guy people aspire to be—which is especially interesting because he doesn’t really look the part.


Brand Value #2: Cozy Lodge

Joe lives at the bottom of the mountain—your entrance to the magically undiscovered world of DeFi, which operates like the hub of the town. It has a ski lodge type of vibe to hang out with like-minded friends after a day on the “Avalanche” to talk about anything from the future of finance to the latest innovations that put you in control of your money.

If you’re new to this whole DeFi thing, don’t fret. Joe walks all the newbies through how things work before getting started on the bunny hills.

Plus, there’s nothing like Apres after a long day on the slopes—best shared over a meme.


Brand Value #3: Creative Provocateur

Joe has a vision to bring DeFi to the people, starting with a brand that attracts the most ambitious creative pioneers to the space. He believes we’re amidst a creative renaissance in which business models are finally on the creator’s side. That’s why he’s all about inspiring creatives to think differently and take action — like cutting out the middleman & ensuring you stay in control of your assets.


Key Brand Images

Trader Joe adheres to strict brand codification, to ensure visual consistency that help to drive greater brand recognition and salience. Below are key brand codes:

Farmer Joe.png

Artist Joe.png

Podcast Joe.png

Skier Joe.png

Skater Joe.png

Super Joe.png

Pool Joe.png

Virtual Joe.png