<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/239d9632-1f89-48eb-a2d3-67e11a237909/Screenshot_2022-01-17_at_09.24.47.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/239d9632-1f89-48eb-a2d3-67e11a237909/Screenshot_2022-01-17_at_09.24.47.png" width="40px" /> What is Trader Joe? Trader Joe is your one-stop decentralised trading platform on the Avalanche network, where you can Trade, Pool, Farm, Stake, Borrow and Launch.

🗺 Here you can find a comprehensive collection of links and resources to help you navigate Trader Joe. If at any point you need a hand, see our **FAQs** or hop into Discord to speak to a friendly mod!

Everything in one place: Check 💡 for tips and select ▶️  to expand categories.



Getting Started


<aside> 💡 First you will have to set up MetaMask, or your web3 wallet of choice. Then you’ll be able to buy JOE from a centralised exchange, or if you have already **bridged** your assets, **swap** for JOE on Trader Joe.


🦊  Setup MetaMask

🚶‍♂️  Using the Platform

🚨  Staying Safe

<aside> 💡 Official Website Links


<aside> 🖱️ https://traderjoexyz.com/home#/ https://traderjoseph.com/ https://tradergiuseppe.com/


<aside> 💡 Having trouble? Don’t worry, most issues are common and easily remedied.


🧐  General FAQ

🛠  Common Issues and Fixes

😡  Pending and Stuck Transactions

<aside> ⚠️ If you need further assistance join our Discord or Telegram to speak to a mod. If you believe that you have found a bug please report it here.


<aside> 💡 Please always be vigilant


<aside> ⚠️ 1. Never download a Trader Joe ‘App’ 2. Never answer to Direct Messages 3. Do not give out your seed phrase



Video Guides

<aside> 💡 Easy to follow instruction ‘how to’ videos, hosted on our YouTube!


🧑‍💻  **Platform Overview 🌉  How To Bridge 🌾  How To Farm ⚡️ How To ZAP 🐷  How To Stake JOE 💰  How To Use Banker Joe**

Learning Series: DeFit

<aside> 💡 Learn the essentials of DeFi, with Trainer Joe’s 'DeFit' series


💰  Lending Part 1 💰 Lending Part 2 🌾 Yield Farming ⚖️  Impermanent Loss 🚀 Rocket Joe



Community Links

Platform Guides (Docs)

🌎 Website

🏡 Discord

📝 Documentation

♻️  **Trading**

💦  Liquidity Pools

🚜  Yield Farming

🐷  Staking

💰  **Lending**

🚀  Launch


The Project

Contracts & Audits

<aside> 💡 Find information about the infrastructure of Trader Joe.


<aside> 💡 Never send tokens to a contract address.


🪙  Tokenomics

🤝  Investors

📍  **The Roadmap**

🌈  About Trader Joe


Become a Joe Partner